Empowering Hispanic Students: Overcoming Educational Barriers for a Brighter Future
Parents working in groups at Avalos P-TECH, Aldine ISD, Houston, Texas
400 Voices® is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a shift in the education of low-income Hispanics and Latinos to allow them to graduate from high school with the proper credentials to go to a community college or to the workforce. 400 Voices was created in 2016 to look for answers. This book is the result of our research.

Equity in Education
Stephen Kleinberg: investigator, advisor and good friend, warns that there is no equity in the education of low-income Hispanics. The most profound risk facing them is the failure to contribute and share in the national prosperity.

Road to Community College
Our program is a community learning course that focuses on Hispanics and Latinos to increase the social capital of their communities. In our experience, the best way to learn our program is in groups of 5 to 10 friends and family members as this allows for discussions and empathy. Some of the members can become mentors for other groups.

Is an online library that offers information that parents need to learn about the Road to Community College. It also includes several themes of interest to parents such as how to open a bank account, how to prepare a family budget, how to start a business. Go to PACTMOVIL

Educación para el Trabajo: Hispanos y Latinos
This book answers the question: Where should we go after high school? The book is supported by PACT Movil, a free online library that offers more than 200 topics.” The course has eight sections and is carried out in eight sessions of two hours each, although it can be shortened or lengthened according to the needs of each group. The course and PACT Movil were created by our founder José-Pablo Fernández, an Ashoka and Purpose Price Fellow.
Author: Jose-Pablo Fernandez
Spanish Edition
Format: Kindle Edition.
We can supply 11” by 8.5” one-sided page format with a 3-ring vinyl binder.
Importance of Road to College
The 2020 U.S. Census Bureau predicted that by 2060 Hispanics will be about one-third of the total population of the U.S. and will continue to grow faster than Whites and African Americans. It is clear that the participation of young Hispanics at all levels of the economy is crucial. It is not a matter of race; it is a matter of education.