
Parents working in groups at Avalos P-TECH, Aldine ISD, Houston

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a shift in the education of low-income Hispanics by training parents in the understanding the American educational system. Our goal is that every child should have the opportunity to go to college. 

Equity in Education

There is no equity in the education of low-income Hispanics. The most profound risk facing them is the failure to graduate from high school with the proper credentials to go to college or the workforce. The lack of adequate educational attainment compromises their ability to contribute and share in the national prosperity. How these risks and opportunities play out over the decades ahead will define not only the kind of future Hispanics will inherit, but also the economic and social contours of the United States.

About Road to College

Our Road to College program is a four-hour smartphone-based learning course in Spanish and English. It focuses on mothers because they are a critical factor in their children’s education. In addition, mothers may become mentors to other mothers, thus increasing the social capital of their communities. In our experience, the best way to teach low-income parents is when they create groups of 5 or 6 parents as this allows for discussions and empathy. Continuous feedback gives parents the opportunity to reinforce learning. All the information for the course is available on our PACT Movil app.

PACT Movil

Web app that collects all the information parents need to learn about the Road to College. It also includes several themes of interest to parents such as How to open a bank account, How to prepare a family budget, How to start a business. Go to PACTMOVIL

Importance of Road to College

The 2020 U.S. Census Bureau predicted that by 2060 Hispanics will be about one-third of the total population of the U.S. and will continue to grow faster than Whites and African Americans. It is clear that the participation of young Hispanics at all levels of the economy is crucial. It is not a matter of race; it is a matter of education.

400 Voices® and PACT Movil® are registered marks of 400 Voices, Inc.
501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.